Passion Comes From Competence

We love the things we’re good at.

We dislike the things that we’re not good at.

Competence drives passion.

But how can we be good at something without having done it before?

How can we be good before we're passionate?

Some skills are transferrable. And sometimes we have natural talent.

I learned to love sports at an early age. Much of it was due to some early success.

Skills in sports aren't as transferrable as in professional life.

But coordination and athleticism are.

A ‘natural’ athlete will be quick to pick up a new sport. 

And someone who lacks coordination is going to struggle.

I started playing sports at a young age. I did gymnastics and swimming lessons and skating lessons starting around 3 years old.

By the time I reached organized sports around age 6, I’d already developed some coordination and athleticism.

Compared to others who were just starting, I had an advantage.

That kind of competence advantage makes something more enjoyable.

And it’s a virtuous cycle. As you improve, you enjoy it more, so you practice more, and then improve faster.

Sports taught me that loving something often had to do with being good at it.

But they also taught me you shouldn’t expect to love something right away, when you’re not good at it.

Patience in the beginning.

Then competence, and the passion it brings, can take you through the middle and end.